Thursday, February 6, 2014


It's recently come to my attention that some of you out there might find me cynical. My Facebook posts are usually circulated between things I don't like, things that frustrate me, things that I think are stupid, but in my defense I try to be funny about it. 

You may not agree with the things I say, but don't tell me that when you read it it didn't put a smile on your face. Even just a tiny corner-of-the-mouth smile, or maybe a little "ha" slipped from your throat.  And that is why I do it. In hopes that someone will read it and it will bring the tiniest bits of joy to their life because maybe they agree, but maybe they don't but they still think it's funny or maybe they don't think it's funny and they don't think I'm funny and they don't like me but for some reason they haven't removed me from their "friends" yet because the more friends we have, the more popular we are and that's really all social media is about right? Who has the most followers and how can we can get more. 

Whenever I think about Facebook or Instagram or the likes thereof, it makes me quite sick to think how dependent we are on it. I hate myself  for looking at Facebook 472819475 times a day but on the other hand it's a wonderful tool. I would never know in a million years when people from high school have babies or get married, it's fun to share in the joys of other peoples lives, borderline stalkerish, but joyful none the less. It's a love hate relationship I have with Facebook, and from that relationship, it spawned me. 

I don't have a serious bone in my body. Sarcasm is my best quality, it's also my best defense mechanism. So now that you know my background my posts speak for themselves. Facebook is stupid and it's not to be taken seriously. I don't post about my happiest life moments because those are the things I share with those closest to me. I don't post about food or gym time because I don't care for you to know what I eat or when (or when I don't) go to the gym. I really don't even care for you to know that I'm struggling to find a pediatrician or that I think Juan Pablo is a douche. I do care that I have an outlet though, that's what Facebook is for me, an outlet, where I can express the things that are in my head as sassy as possible. If you don't like it, if my negativity brings you down, then please, for the sake of humanity please unfollow me.

 Hey look at that, this blog is also an outlet. 👍

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